ManTa 3 |
The abstract syntax trees can be described in ManTa (in fact they are), although the Z specification language will be used as metalanguage. The following Z definitions will be assumed:
x:Bool x=truex=false
Identifiers (Strings that follow the ident rule of syntax) | [Ident] | String |
One parameter of an ADT is an identifier | Parameter::=parameter<<Ident>> | ADT Parameter []
INITIALS parameter:String->Parameter CONSTRUCTORS |
Function domain (generator or selector) is composed of the name and a boolean to indicate if it is an inductive parameter (in induction proofs inductive parameters are the first tried ) | Domain::=domain<<IdentBool>> | ADT Domain []
A generator is a name and its domain, the codomain is always the defined ADT. The domain is a product of ADTs represented here as a list. | Generator::=generator<<Ident
seq Domain>> |
ADT Generator []
INITIALS generator:String*LDomain ->Generator CONSTRUCTORS |
The possible expressions are: ERROR, variables, instanced generators, instanced selectors, EQUAL(.,.) or if E1 then E2 else E3 fi. | Expr::=
errorExpr | varExpr<<Ident>> | genExpr <<identseq Expr>> | selExpr <<identseq Expr>> | eqExpr <<ExprExpr>> | ifExpr <<ExprExprExpr>> |
ADT Expr []
INITIALS errorExpr:->Expr varExpr:String->Expr genExpr:String*LExpr ->Expr selExpr:String*LExpr ->Expr CONSTRUCTORS eqExpr:Expr*Expr -> Expr ifExpr:Expr*Expr*Expr -> Expr |
An axiom has a left expression and a right expression (it's a rewriting rule, the first expression rewrites in the second) | Axiom::= axiom<<ExprExpr>> | ADT Axiom []
INITIALS axiom:Expr*Expr -> Axiom CONSTRUCTORS |
A selector function has a name, a domain, a codomain, it can be a characterizer and it should have axioms (at least one) | Selector:=selector<<Identseq
IdentBoolP1 Axiom>> |
ADT Selector []
INITIALS selector:String*LDomain* String*LAxiom ->Selector CONSTRUCTORS |
An Abstract Data Type, has a name , a list of parameters, a set of generators and a non empty set of Selectors | AbsType::=absType<<Ident
seq ParameterP Generator P1 Selector>> |
ADT AbsType []
INITIALS absType:String* LParameter* LGenerator* LSelector -> AbsType CONSTRUCTORS |
3.2 Hierarchy
of ManTa ADTs
ManTa ADTs can be classified in the following way:
Generators | Parameters | Commentaries | |
Basic |
Usual ADT (e.g. NAT) | |
Extension | They only add new selectors to the system of ADTs
(e.g. NumTh defines new function for NAT) |
Generic |
Also known as parametric types (e.g. List). |
Generic Extension |
Types that generate extensions when instanced
(e.g. AddNEQ) |
Other classification for ADTs is: